Does your parish ...

have a missionary vision?

We all share the same mission: ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you’ (Matthew 28:19–20).

However, how this mission is lived out is influenced by both vision and culture, and these differ from parish to parish.

Vision, like the word implies, is the parish’s dream for the future, and culture is the sum of the things you do every day to get there.

A vision of the future you are trying to create motivates you to go the extra mile and overcome unforeseen challenges with hope and courage. Without a vision of where you’re going, chances are you’ll be trapped in the status quo.

Equally, a vision will remain just a lofty dream if you don’t act every day in a way that will help you get there.

The Framework for Parish Renewal explicitly calls for a missionary vision, one that is not only looking inward to the life of the parish community but captures the grace and gospel energy to go out in the world, beyond our church doors. Our mission to proclaim Jesus Christ is deeply connected with recognising him in those in need. It is a mission to draw near to people, and not simply invite them to draw near to us.